
Effective text message reminders in 4 steps

By now, you know that SMS is the ultimate weapon for reducing no-shows. But they can also remind users to pay their bills or remind them of an event or event. This is how you create an SMS reminder that is effective and easy to implement.

Ready to discover the power of SMS reminders?

Here are 4 tips for maximum effectiveness of SMS reminders:

1. Send them one or two days in advance
A text message is a direct way of communicating. People read it as soon as they receive it. Often, they act on it immediately. Sending your text message reminders too soon doesn't give your customer a sense of urgency, which runs the risk of your message being forgotten. Send your text message reminders 24 or up to 48 hours before the appointment.

2. To the point.
Remember that you are sending a reminder. So don't be tempted to add commercial messages. Write briefly and, giving only the practical information your client needs for his appointment: date, time, place, and contact person. That's the only way to create effective text message reminders.

3. Short and personal
An SMS is always short. And that's a good thing. So, keep it that way. There is nothing more annoying than receiving a text message reminder and having to scroll three times to read it. Short doesn't mean you can use abbreviations; some people may not understand the texting language you use for your friends and family.

4. Introduce a call to action.
In your text, message reminders, always ask your customer for an action, such as to confirm the appointment or to notify you if he or she does not want to make the appointment. Or to put the appointment in his or her calendar.

Try it now!
There is nothing like trying it out yourself. Many companies have already improved their results thanks to SMS reminders. Create your free test account and send your messages today!


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Effective text message reminders in 4 steps

Effective text message reminders in 4 steps
This is how you use text messages as reminders
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