
Using mass SMS messaging in Covid-19 situations

Using mass SMS messaging in Covid-19 situations

In these Covid-19 times, using mass SMS messaging is crucial to control the number of infections. But how can you use mass SMS messaging in Covid-19 situations?

In which Covid-19 situations can mass SMS messaging be useful?

  • A virus outbreak in an association or institution

    With mass SMS messaging, you can save lives or limit the number of infections. Think about the outbreak of an infection in a school. In this situation, it is crucial to act quickly to limit the number of infections.
  • Notify your contact persons in a quick and efficient way

    When you think you're infected with the virus or know it for sure, it is crucial to notify the contact persons as soon as possible. Smstools can help you with this. With a simple mass SMS message, you can easily contact the contact persons with only one message.
  • Appointment reminders

    Mass SMS messaging can be useful with appointment reminders. With Smstools, you can send a mass SMS message to everyone that has booked an appointment. You can, with the help of our software, send the current Covid-19 measurements to your customers.

In which sectors can mass SMS messaging be used to prevent Covid-19 infections?

  • Hospitality

    Within hospitality, the business can make use of reservation reminders in which the Covid-19 measurements are mentioned. You can send the Covid-19 guidelines by using mass SMS messaging. In this way, you can easily send these measurements  to all people who've booked something. Customers need to identify themselves at the entrance. With this data, you can notify your customers when there has been someone who was infected. You can do this by using mass SMS messaging.
  • Government institutions

    When there has been an infection in your city or at school, it may be convenient to notify everyone by sending a mass SMS message. In this way, everyone in the city will pay more attention to the measurements. You can also use Smstools as a city to send the Covid-19 measurements to the entire town when the government has announced new measurements. By using mass SMS messaging, everyone will have a clear overview of the measurements.
  • Healthcare

    The most applicable sector to use mass SMS messaging in Covid-19 times is healthcare. You can, when a computer system crashes, notify every employee very quickly. Acting quickly is very important for the health of the patient. With mass SMS messaging, you can also send appointment reminders very easily. You can also include the Covid-19 measurements in the mass SMS message.
  • Sports

    In the sports industry, it is very convenient to use mass SMS messaging. With the SMS software of Smstools, you can easily notify everyone. Think about the outbreak of the virus in a sports institution. With one simple SMS message, you can notify everyone from that sports institution. Time is crucial in such a situation, and we save you that time. But you can also send reminders such as a reminder that the training will take place. With mass SMS messaging, you can easily send the Covid-19 measurements. 


With the SMS software of Smstools, it is very convenient to use mass SMS messaging in Covid-19 situations. Do you want to use mass SMS messaging yourself? Don't hesitate and create a free trial account. Send your first mass SMS message today!


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Using mass SMS messaging in Covid-19 situations

Using mass SMS messaging in Covid-19 situations
How to use mass SMS messaging in Covid-19 situations
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