Communicate with your employees on the job or workers on call via SMS.
Smstools allows you to automate recurring job scheduling actions via SMS. Sending a daily schedule, a cancellation, a work appointment or a change in a truck route is quick and simple with our software. This can save you a lot of time and work.
REGISTERIntegreer een Virtual Mobile Number om SMS berichten te versturen en ontvangen en uw afzender te personaliseren zodat uw berichten altijd vanaf dezelfde nummer verzonden worden, en uw contacten ook kunnen reageren op uw berichten.
REGISTERYou can create sub-accounts for your different locations. You can centralise invoicing and SMS purchases while keeping control over all locations by consulting statistics.
Our comprehensive software allows you to directly import files from your CRM software into our SMS software. You can use this data for personalised mailings to which the recipient can respond if necessary to confirm the job scheduling. Recipients can respond via a virtual mobile number, SIM hosting and SMS shortcode keywords. Our detailed reports allow you to generate a report at any time and check your schedule.
REGISTERUse our SMS software for sending SMS messages.
Use our gateway API and connect your planning software directly to our services.
Use a Virtual Mobile Number to receive responses to your messages.
<?php $ch = curl_init(); $url = ""; $client_id = "XXX"; // Your API key $client_secret = "YYY"; // Your API secret $data = [ 'message' => "Hello World", //Message 'to' => "11231231234", //Receiver 'sender' => "YourName" //Sender ]; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "$url"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, [ "X-Client-Id: $client_id", "X-Client-Secret: $client_secret", "Content-Type: application/json", ]); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($data)); $response = curl_exec($ch); ?>
const https = require("https"); const client_id = "XXX"; // Your API key const client_secret = "YYY"; // Your API secret const data = JSON.stringify({ message: "Hello World", //Message (required) to: "11231231234", //Receiver (required) sender: "YourName", //Sender (required) }); const options = { hostname: "", port: 443, path: "/v1/message/send", method: "POST", headers: { "X-Client-Id": client_id, "X-Client-Secret": client_secret, "Content-Type": "application/json", "Content-Length": data.length, }, }; const req = https.request(options, (res) => { console.log(`statusCode: ${res.statusCode}`); res.on("data", (d) => { process.stdout.write(d); }); }); req.write(data); req.end();
require "uri" require "net/http" url = URI("") https =, url.port) https.use_ssl = true request = request["X-Client-Id"] = "XXX" // Your API key request["X-Client-Secret"] = "YYY" // Your API secret request["Content-Type"] = "application/json" form_data = [ ['message', 'Hello World'], //Message (required) ['to', '11231231234'], //Receiver (required) ['sender', 'YourName'] //Sender (required) ] request.set_form form_data, 'multipart/form-data' response = https.request(request) puts response.read_body
import requests url = "" payload={ 'message': 'Hello World', #Message (required) 'to': '11231231234', #Receiver (required) 'sender': 'YourName' #Sender (required) } headers = { 'X-Client-Id': 'XXX', #Your API key 'X-Client-Secret': 'YYY', #Your API secret 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } response = requests.request( "POST", url, headers=headers, json=payload ) print(response.text)
var url = ""; var payload = new { message = "Hello World", to = "11231231234", sender = "YourName" }; var client = new RestClient(url); client.Timeout = -1; var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST); request.AddHeader("X-Client-Id", "XXX"); // Your API key request.AddHeader("X-Client-Secret", "YYY"); // Your API secret request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json; request.AddJsonBody(payload); IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request); Console.WriteLine(response.Content);
With our SMS API you can extend your software with an SMS integration. Integrating our SMS API is very easy so you can quickly connect your website or software to our powerful SMS platform
API documentationSign up today and send your first message in minutes.